Welcome to Playa de San Marcos, during your stay you of course have the opportunity to take a sustainable holiday here, here we give you a few tips for it:

  • Use electricity and water sparingly, here too water is a valuable commodity, the groundwater table is getting lower and desalinating water is neither economical nor ecological.
  • Avoid unnecessary car trips if you can, so take public transport, the network of TITSA is well developed and runs reliably. You can find all connections here. Icod de Los Vinos can also be easily reached via the donkey trail.
  • Avoid disposable packaging and if you can’t, separate your waste: in San Marcos there are containers for plastic packaging, glass and paper, and there is also a container for used clothing.
  • Make an effort to consume local, seasonal ecological products.
  • If you are on the beach and discover plastic waste or something similar, do not hesitate to clear it.
  • There are enough wastebasket available so that the cigarette butt does not have to be disposed of in nature.
  • If you go fishing, please make sure not to leave any garbage.
  • To compensate for your flight, we recommend Atmosfair.